感谢 独立 强调 最佳 最潮 失恋 唯美 无语 古风 朋友 成长 非主流 暗恋 心情 霸气 文艺 伤感 一句话 游戏 搞笑


最新英文签名 热门英文签名

I'm to blame too deep into the play End is a person.


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2016-06-05 16:07 26次 英文签名

The invented hugs to let pople know you love them without say anthing

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2015-12-11 09:32 26次 英文签名

Softhearted is sick, but you are life. 心软是病,可你是命。

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2017-05-03 13:46 26次 英文签名

Crowded I pull you tight 人潮拥挤我拉紧你。

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2017-05-19 17:05 26次 英文签名

I want to forget you, forget about any of your memory.


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2017-10-10 10:47 26次 英文签名

Want to say in 520 words you've been in my heart


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2016-05-19 08:52 26次 英文签名

The world, many of you smile. And sincerely love you, too.


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2017-12-27 16:17 26次 英文签名

Love is holding her hand and let her feel a rely on, give her a rely on 520


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2016-05-20 09:01 25次 英文签名


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2017-06-20 11:07 25次 英文签名

Haven't met in a long time how sad greeting.

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2016-03-28 16:45 25次 英文签名

Write it on your heart that every day is the best of the year.


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2016-05-21 09:51 25次 英文签名

Sleep away the sadness of today.


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2017-11-28 16:07 25次 英文签名

Some dreams are just too beautiful to come true.


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2016-05-24 08:27 25次 英文签名

Nothing for nothing(不费力气,一无所得)

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2017-06-03 11:13 25次 英文签名

Only one(唯一)

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2017-06-04 09:57 25次 英文签名

★ Never say die 永不言弃 ★

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2017-05-12 14:25 25次 英文签名

Those allowed to be capricious Scalled youth .

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2015-11-13 09:06 25次 英文签名

I'm afraid too late! {我怕来不及}

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2017-05-13 17:11 25次 英文签名

All things are difficult before they are easy.


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2016-05-16 08:42 25次 英文签名

Thinking of you night ang day (日日夜夜我都在想你)

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2017-04-14 13:57 25次 英文签名